Great Starts with You for Seriously Good TV!

Thank You For Your Support!

Thank YOU! for supporting your locally owned PBS Kansas television station! We value your partnership! Your donation allows PBS Kansas to continue fulfilling our mission to educate and enrich our community with quality programs and services that entertain, challenge minds, and contribute to a life of learning.

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When you donate $75 or more or donate $6.25 a month or more, you can receive PBS Kansas Passport, our streaming service. Your email is required to receive this service.
If using Credit/Debit card, payment information will be input on the following screen.
To confirm you have read our EFT Policy and agree to ongoing bank debits, please sign above in the format of /First Last/
Annual automatic renewal on credit card, debit card or EFT can help save you and the station time and postage. Would you be willing to sign up for automatic renewal on an annual basis? You may contact us to opt out at any time.
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Thank you for your continued support